Tuesday September 19th - Sunday September 24th 2023
Zidell Yards
3121 South Moody Ave
Portland, OR 9723


(click here for information on Home/Land 2022)

HOME / LAND is an immersive journey along the paths of personal and collective memories. Within a context of critical instability, when displacement and forced migrations have caused many to leave their homes and everything they hold dear, audience members are each assigned a temporary unit in a fictional government-run shelter village called Lot 6B.

"The first part of empathy and change is listening. That's at the heart of this piece. It's to question ownership of land, being mindful that nature was here before you. Indigenous communities were here before you. What is home, and how have we treated the notion of 'home' and why put up borders and flags and keep people out?" - Erika Latta, Co-Creator.

HOME / LAND takes you on a journey to explore the past and present times experienced in Portland, Oregon, and the US at large. The show asks audiences to reflect on the forces that have worked over the centuries to bring living beings here as well as caused them to leave.

Audiences Rave:

“That was a masterpiece of interactive theatre... At once deeply personal and universal, intimate and epic in scope, heartfelt and unnerving in all the right ways. A fascinating multi-layered examination of living through disaster, the illusion of permanence, the work our ancestors undertook simply to get us here, and what it means to really feel safe. I can't recommend this strongly enough.”   - William Thomas Berk, Playwright/Producer

“It was so lovely and the attention to detail was breathtaking. This is the first show I’ve been outside of the theatre space that really melds the outside world with the performance. The storytelling and the physical space co-existed so beautifully. The design and layout of everything also really allowed the stories to be heard, but not exploited. I was just filled with so many emotions.” - Yasmin Ruvalcaba, Artist

“HOME / LAND is a beautiful, haunting, thrilling, tremendous piece of art. It pushes the limits of what theatre can be and calls its audience participants in to contemplate the themes of displacement, safety, and community in an immersive experience that is heartfelt, sensitive, moving, and full of small surprises.” - Ashley Mellinger, Artist

"HOME / LAND is an artful composite of forgotten histories and their forgotten people, magically set underneath the Ross Island Bridge.I feel fortunate to have witnessed this worthy experiment." - DeReau Farrar, Musician/Artist

THE ORIGINAL CO-CREATORS INCLUDE: Geo Alva, Michael Cavazos, Lucille Dawson, Dion Doulis, Karin Holmström, Erika Latta, and Jonathan Walters
2023 DIRECTOR: Michael Cavazos
VOICEOVER DIRECTORS: Dion Doulis and Erika Latta
SCRIPT WRITERS: Dion Doulis, Erika Latta, Karin Holmström, and Michael Cavazos
SOUND DESIGNERS: Dion Doulis and Erika Latta
VIDEO DESIGNER: Michael Cavazos
SET DESIGNERS: Abby Jacquin, Karin Holmström and Philippe Laliard
SET CONSTRUCTION: Philippe Laliard, Abby Jacquin, and Ryann St. Julien
LEAD CARPENTER: Ryann St. Julien
CARPENTERS: Elias Guerrero-Reach, Lorne Jensen, Piper St Julien, Percival Walter, and Render
SET DRESSING: Violet Aveline
PROP DESIGNER: Karin Holmström
STAGE MANAGER: Michael Cavazos
H2M FELLOWS: Aleksandar Obradović and Begaiym Adzhikeeva

Reception Agent:
Alyssa Marie Mathews
Intake Agent/Clerk: Sean D Lujan
Shelter Agent/Concierge: Marissa Sanchez
Drowned Woman: Maia McCarthy
Unit 7: Geo Alva
Outtake Guide: Jenni GreenMiller
Understudies: Angela Johnston and Jonathan Walters

Agency Voice:
Erika Latta
Narrator: Dion Doulis
Makiko: Mai Ide
Antonio Morales: Julio Cesar=
DACA student: Yasmin Ruvalcaba
YMCA Lady: Maia McCarthy
Rancher: Jonathan Walters

Interview voices:
Makayla Caldwell
Garrett P.

Documentary voices:
The Neighborhood of Albina

  • Donna Maxey, courtesy of the Albina Mosaic

The Vanport Flood

  • Senator Jackie Winters, courtesy of the Vanport Mosaic and story midwife, Laura Lo Forti

  • Ed Washington, courtesy of the Vanport Mosaic and story midwife, Laura Lo Forti

  • Evelyn Bolme, courtesy of the Vanport Mosaic and story midwife, Laura Lo Forti

    Lost City, Living Memories: Vanport Through The Voices of Its Residents - Project directed by Story Midwife, Laura Lo Forti

Japanese American Incarceration during WWII

  • Shizuko "Suzie" Sakai, courtesy of the Japanese American Museum of Oregon

Special Thanks to:

The Zidell Family
Alan Park
Imago Theatre
The Reformers
Vanport Mosaic
Tony Domingue
Skanner News
Rose Rodrigues